Operators Guide
EN Solution 880
CC408 | Operators Guide | Contents
EN | 3
Reset Latching Outputs.................................14
Codepad ID/Buzzer Tone Change..............14
Introduction......................................................5 17.
Horn Speaker Test.........................................14
Bell Test ..........................................................14
Strobe Test......................................................14
Walk Test Mode.............................................14
Test Report.....................................................14
Specifications ....................................................5
Features .............................................................5
Codepad Indicators..........................................6
Zone Indicators.................................................6
AWAY Indicator..............................................6
STAY Indicator................................................6
System Disarmed..............................................6
Event Memory Recall....................................15
Day Alarm ......................................................15
Remote Arming By Telephone ....................15
MAINS Indicator .............................................7 20.
Off Indicator/Zone Sealed ..............................7
On Indicator/Zone In Alarm..........................7
FAULT Indicator .............................................7
Audible Indications..........................................7
Domestic Dialling ..........................................16
Acknowledging Domestic Calls....................16
Programming Domestic Telephone
Disable Domestic Dialling ............................16
Arming the System...........................................7
Arming in AWAY Mode.................................8
Arming in STAY Mode 1................................8
Arming in STAY Mode 2................................8
Programming STAY Mode 2 Zones ..............9
Partitioning .....................................................17
Master Partitioned Codepad Indicators.......17
22.1.1 Zone Indicators ..............................................17
22.1.2 Area On/Off Indicators.................................17
22.2.1 Area Display Indicators.................................17
22.2.2 Status Indicators.............................................17
Disarming the System......................................9
User Codes........................................................9
Adding User Codes..........................................9
Adding Radio Remote User Codes................9
Deleting User Codes/Radio User Codes.......9
Operating From A Master Partitioned
Operating From Area Addressable
Codepads ........................................................17
Radio Transmitter Operations......................10
Basic Pager Reporting ...................................18
Glossary of Terms..........................................20
Installation Notes ...........................................22
Alarms .............................................................10
Duress Alarm..................................................10
Panic Alarm ....................................................10
Fire Alarm.......................................................11
Medical Alarm................................................11
Tamper Alarm (Access Denied) ...................11
Figure 1:
Figure 2:
Figure 3:
CP5 Eight Zone LED Codepad...............6
CP5 Eight Zone LCD Codepad..............6
RE012 – 2 Channel Keyfob
Transmitter ..............................................10
RE013 – 4 Channel Keyfob
Transmitter ..............................................10
CP5 LED Codepad Showing Audible
Alarm Buttons .........................................10
Master Partitioned Codepad..................17
Basic Pager Display ................................19
Isolating Zones................................................11
Standard Isolating ..........................................11
Code to Isolate ...............................................11
Figure 4:
Figure 5:
Setting the Date and Time ............................11
Fault Analysis Mode ......................................12
AC Fail............................................................12
System Faults..................................................12
Fault Descriptions...........................................12
Figure 6:
Figure 7:
Telco Arm/Disarm Sequence (Call Forward
On/Off) ...........................................................13
Telco Arm Sequence......................................13
Telco Disarm Sequence.................................13
Turning Outputs On/Off...............................14
Bosch Security Systems | 5/04 | 920050O.OG.112
CC408 | Operators Guide | Contents
EN | 4
Table 1:
Table 2:
Table 3:
Table 4:
Table 5:
Table 6:
Table 7:
Table 8:
Table 9:
Zone Indicator...........................................6
AWAY Indicator.......................................6
STAY Indicator.........................................6
MAINS Indicator......................................7
FAULT Indicator ......................................7
Audible Indicators.....................................7
Arming Methods.......................................7
Keyfob Audible/Visual Indications ......10
Table 10: Fault Condition Indicators.....................12
Table 11: Telco Arm/Disarm Dialling Digits........13
Table 12: Domestic Dialling Telephone Digits.....16
Table 13: Zone Status Display Descriptions..........18
Table 14: System Status...........................................18
Table 15: Glossary of Terms...................................20
Bosch Security Systems | 5/04 | 920050O.OG.112
CC408 | Operators Guide | 1. Introduction
EN | 5
3. Features
Congratulations on selecting the Solution 880 Model
CC408 Control Panel to protect you and your
The Solution 880 Control Panel uses the latest in
microprocessor technology to provide you with more
property. To obtain the most from your unit, take the useful features and superior reliability and
time to read through this manual and familiarise
yourself with the operating features of this system. In
all aspects of planning, engineering, styling,
operation, convenience, and adaptability, we have
sought to anticipate your every possible requirement.
performance. The main features of the control panel
are listed below:
xꢀ Eight programmable User Codes
xꢀ STAY Mode and AWAY Mode operation
xꢀ Six programmable burglary zones
xꢀ Two programmable 24-hour zones
xꢀ Siren and/or dialler lockout per zone
xꢀ Delayed reporting
Programming simplicity and speed were some of the
major considerations and we believe that our
objectives in this area were more than satisfied.
This guide explains all aspects of operating the
control panel. All system parameters and options are
detailed. Suitability is left up to the individual. Every
system can be tailored to meet all requirements
quickly and easily.
xꢀ Built-in telephone fail monitor
xꢀ Day alarm
xꢀ Remote arming
xꢀ Answering machine bypass
xꢀ Event memory recall
2. Specifications
Table 1:
xꢀ Upload/download programmable
xꢀ Auxiliary output (Output 2)
xꢀ Relay output
0oC to +45oC
Temperature Range
(+32oF to +113oF)
10% to 95%
TF008 Plug Pack –
240 VAC/18 VAC @ 1.3 A
65 mA
Power Source
xꢀ Eight radio remote user codes
xꢀ Entry and exit warning beeper
xꢀ EDMSAT – satellite siren compatible
xꢀ Separate fire alarm sound
xꢀ Dual reporting
Stand-By Current
Current Draw In
Alarm Condition
Current Draw In
Alarm Condition
with Codepad
115 mA
105 mA
xꢀ Sensor watch
xꢀ Dynamic battery testing
6 Ah/12 VDC Rechargeable
sealed lead acid battery
30.6 cm x 26.2 cm x 8.4 cm
Back-Up Battery
xꢀ Automatic arming/automatic disarming
xꢀ AC fail and system fault indicators
xꢀ Walk Test Mode
Dimensions (case,
packed in carton)
Supplier Code
New Zealand
(12.05 in. x 10.31 in. x 3.31 in.)
2.5 Kg (5.51 lb.)
PTC 211/98/083
xꢀ Monitored siren output (Output 1)
xꢀ Strobe output
Malaysia Approval
xꢀ Telco arm/disarm sequence (call forwarding)
The Austel permit issued for this product
is subject to the following conditions:
The Solution 880 Model CC408 Control
Panel can only be powered by a Bosch
Security Systems TF008 Plug Pack
(Approval Number Q92128).
Test the sirens, strobe, and zones at
weekly intervals. See Section 17 Testing
for further information.
Bosch Security Systems | 5/04 | 920050O.OG.112
CC408 | Operators Guide | 4. Codepad Indicators
EN | 6
AWAY Indicator
4. Codepad Indicators
Figure 1: CP5 Eight Zone LED Codepad
The AWAY indicator displays the
system is armed in AWAY Mode. The
AWAY indicator also flashes in unison
with the STAY indicator when
programming various options
throughout the Operators Guide.
See Section 5.1 Arming in AWAY Mode
for information on the different
methods of arming the system in
AWAY Mode.
Table 3:
AWAY Indicator
Figure 2: CP5 Eight Zone LCD Codepad
System is armed in AWAY Mode.
System is not armed in AWAY Mode.
STAY Indicator
The STAY indicator displays the system
is armed in STAY Mode 1 or STAY
Mode 2. The STAY indicator also flashes
in unison with the AWAY indicator
when programming various options
throughout the Operators Guide.
The codepad is the communications interface
between you and your alarm system. Use the
codepad to issue commands. The codepad offers
both visual and audible indications that guide you
through the general operation.
See Section 5.2 Arming in STAY Mode 1 for
different methods of arming in STAY
Mode 1. See Section 5.3 Arming in STAY
Mode 2 to arm in STAY Mode 2.
The codepad incorporates numerous indicators.
There are zone indicators that show the condition of
each zone and four other indicators for general
status. The following pages outline a list of situations
and the relevant indicators that are seen.
Table 4:
STAY Indicator
System is armed in STAY Mode 1 or
STAY Mode 2.
System is not armed in STAY Mode 1
or STAY Mode 2.
Zone Isolating Mode or setting STAY
Mode 2 zones.
Zone Indicators
The zone indicators (1 to 8) display
1 2 3 ….
the status of the zones. Table 2 lists the
various situations that the indicators
display (such as, Zone Sealed/Zone
Flashing twice
a second
Flashing once
every 3
Day alarm status – day alarm turned
Table 2:
Zone Indicator
System Disarmed
This indicator displays with the
indicator when the system is disarmed.
Zone Indicator
Zone is unsealed.
Zone is sealed.
Flashing Fast
Zone is in alarm condition.
(0.25 seconds on/
0.25 seconds off)
Flashing Slow
(1 second on/
1 second off)
Zone is manually isolated or
selected to be isolated.
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CC408 | Operators Guide | 5. Arming the System
EN | 7
MAINS Indicator
The MAINS indicator displays the
systems AC mains supply is normal or
Table 7:
Audible Indicators
Audible Indicator
One short beep
A button was pressed on the
Table 5:
MAINS Indicator
codepad, or end of exit time when
armed in STAY Mode 1 or STAY
Mode 2.
The system accepted your code.
The requested function was
Indicates the end of exit time when
armed in AWAY Mode, or the
requested operation was denied or
Walk Test Mode is currently active
or warning before automatic arming
takes place.
MAINS Indicator
AC mains power normal.
AC mains supply failed.
Two short beeps
Three short beeps
Off Indicator/Zone Sealed
One long beep
indicator displays when the
system is in the disarmed state and
flashes when a zone becomes unsealed
during the disarmed state. The
indicator stops flashing when all zones
are sealed.
One beep every
One short beep
every minute
There is a system fault waiting to
be acknowledged.
On Indicator/Zone In Alarm
indicator displays when the
system is armed in AWAY Mode and
flashes when an alarm occurs. The
indicator resets once a valid user code
is entered.
5. Arming the System
There are several ways to arm the system depending
on whether you are:
xꢀ Leaving the premises and require all active zones
FAULT Indicator
to be in a ready state for an intruder.
The FAULT indicator displays the
system detected a system fault. See
Section 12. Fault Analysis Mode for
additional information on system faults.
xꢀ Remaining in the premises and only require part
of the system to be in a ready state for an
If a zone is not sealed at the end of exit time, the
zone is automatically isolated and constantly displays
on the remote codepad. The zone becomes an active
part of the system when the zone reseals. For
example, if a window is left open after exit time
expires, the window is not an active part of the
system until the window is closed. Opening the
window after exit time expired causes an alarm
Every time a new system fault is
detected (such as, FAULT indicator
flashing), the codepad beeps once
every minute. Pressing the [#] button
once cancels the once a minute beep
and acknowledges the fault (such as,
FAULT indicator on steady).
Table 6:
FAULT Indicator
Table 8 defines the different methods for arming the
Table 8:
Arming Methods
There is a system fault that must be
The system is normal, there are no faults.
There is a system fault that must be
Arms the entire system. See Section 5.1
Arming in AWAY Mode.
Arms all zones except those programmed
to be automatically isolated by the
installer. See Section 5.2 Arming in
STAY Mode 1.
Arms all zones except those programmed
to be automatically isolated by the Master
Code holder. See Section 5.3 Arming in
STAY Mode 2.
STAY Mode 1
Audible Indications
Table 7 defines the audible indicators
generated by the codepad buzzer.
STAY Mode 2
Bosch Security Systems | 5/04 | 920050O.OG.112
CC408 | Operators Guide | 5. Arming the System
EN | 8
If the Entry Guard Timer For STAY Mode 1 is
Forced Arming
programmed and a zone not automatically isolated is
triggered, the codepad beeps twice per second until
the entry timer expires or the system disarms. If the
alarm condition is not reset by entering your user
code followed by the [#] key (for example,
[2 5 8 0 #]) before the entry timer expires, the sirens
activate into alarm. Only your installer can program
this feature.
The feature of arming the system when a zone is not
sealed is known as forced arming. If the system does
not arm and a long beep is heard, forced arming is
not permitted. If this is the case, ensure that all zones
are sealed or manually isolated before arming the
Arming in AWAY Mode
When you leave your premises and require all zones
to be in a ready state to detect intrusion, you arm the
system in AWAY Mode. When returning to your
premises, disarm your system (see Section 6. Disarming
the System) so you do not sound a false alarm.
Arming in STAY Mode 1, Method 1
Enter your user code followed by the [*] key (for
example, [2 5 8 0 *]). Two beeps sound and the
STAY indicator displays. Exit time starts counting.
Any zones programmed to be automatically isolated
in STAY Mode 1 flash until exit time expires. At the
end of exit time, all zones selected to be
automatically isolated turn off and the codepad gives
one short beep.
There are two different methods for arming the
system in AWAY Mode. Method one is standard and
always operates. Method two is optional and may be
disabled by your installer if you do not want to use
single button arming.
Arming in STAY Mode 1, Method 2
Arming in AWAY Mode, Method 1
Hold down the [*] button until two beeps are heard.
The STAY indicator displays and exit time starts
Enter your user code followed by the [#] key (for
example, [2 5 8 0 #]). Two beeps sound and the
AWAY indicator displays. Exit time starts counting.
Any zones programmed to be automatically isolated
in STAY Mode 1 flash until exit time expires. At the
end of exit time, the zone indicators turn off and the
codepad emits one short beep.
Arming in AWAY Mode, Method 2
Hold down the [#] key until two beeps sound.
The AWAY indicator displays and exit time starts
Arming in STAY Mode 2
Arming in STAY Mode 1
STAY Mode 2 is only used when the perimeter and
unused areas of the premises must be armed to
detect an intruder from entering the premises while
you move freely within an area that is automatically
isolated. Any Master Code user can program zones
to be automatically isolated in STAY Mode 2.
STAY Mode 1 is only used when the perimeter and
unused areas of the premises must be armed to
detect if an intruder is entering the premises. At the
same time it allows you to move freely within an area
that is automatically isolated.
Entry Guard Timer For STAY Mode 2
Only your security company can program
zones automatically isolated in STAY
Mode 1.
When arming the system in STAY Mode 2, an
optional entry timer called Entry Guard Timer For
STAY Mode 2 is available. Use this entry timer to
delay the sirens if a zone is not automatically isolated
and triggered into alarm condition. Entry Guard
Timer for STAY Mode 2 is the delay time used for
all zones except 24-hour zones when the system is
armed in STAY Mode 1 or STAY Mode 2.
There are two different methods for arming the
system in STAY Mode 1. Method one is standard
and always operates. Method two is optional and
may be disabled by your installer if you do not want
to use single button arming.
Entry Guard Timer for STAY Mode 1
If the Entry Guard Timer For STAY Mode 2 is
programmed and a zone not automatically isolated
triggers, the codepad beeps twice a second until the
entry timer expires or the system disarms. If the
alarm condition is not reset by entering your user
code followed by the [#] button (for example,
[2 5 8 0 #]) before the entry timer expires, the sirens
activate into alarm. Only your installer can program
this option.
When arming the system in STAY Mode 1, an
optional entry timer called Entry Guard Timer For
STAY Mode 1 is available. Use this entry timer to
delay the sirens if a zone is not automatically isolated
and triggers an alarm condition. Entry Guard Timer
For STAY Mode 1 is the delay time used for all
zones except 24-hour zones when the system is
armed in STAY Mode 1 or STAY Mode 2.
Bosch Security Systems | 5/04 | 920050O.OG.112
CC408 | Operators Guide | 6. Disarming the System
EN | 9
How to Add a User Code
Arming in STAY Mode 2
1. Enter your four-character Master Code, followed
by [1] and [#] (for example, [2 5 8 0 1 #]).
Three beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY
indicators flash.
Hold down the [0] button until two beeps sound.
The STAY indicator lights and exit time starts
Any zones programmed to be automatically isolated
in STAY Mode 2 flash until exit time expires. At the
end of exit time, all zones selected to be
automatically isolated extinguish and the codepad
provides one short beep.
2. Enter the user code number (1 to 8) followed by
the [#] key (for example, [2 #] = User 2, [8 #] =
User 8). Two beeps sound and the selected user
number displays on the codepad indicators.
3. Enter the digits required for the new code
followed by the [#] key (for example, for user
code 5768, enter [5 7 6 8 #]). Two beeps sound
and the STAY and AWAY indicators turn dark.
To add or change other user codes, repeat this
procedure as many times as required.
Programming STAY Mode 2 Zones
You can only program zones to be automatically
isolated in STAY Mode 2 if you have a Master Code.
How to Program STAY Mode 2 Zones
1. Enter your four-character Master Code, followed
by the [4] and [#] keys (for example,
Adding Radio Remote User Codes
Only the Master Code holder can add or change
other system user codes, including the Master Code.
Up to eight radio user codes (User Codes 9 to 16)
can be programmed to operate the system.
[2 5 8 0 4 #]). Three beeps sound and the STAY
indicator flashes.
2. Enter the zone number to be automatically
isolated, followed by the [*] key (for example,
[1 *] = Zone 1, [2 *] = Zone 2).
How to Add a Radio Remote User Code
1. Enter your four-character Master Code, followed
by the [1] and [#] keys (for example,
The selected zone flashes. If you make a mistake,
enter the same zone number followed by the [#]
key to clear the incorrect zone.
To select additional zones to be automatically
isolated in STAY Mode 2, repeat Step 2 as many
times as required.
[2 5 8 0 1 #]).
Three beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY
indicators flash.
2. Enter the radio remote user code number (9 to
16), followed by the [#] key (for example, [9 #] =
User 9, [1 6 #] = User 16). Two beeps sound and
the selected user number displays on the
codepad indicators.
3. To exit this mode, press the [#] key when you
have selected all zones to be automatically
isolated in STAY Mode 2. Two beeps sound and
the STAY and AWAY indicators turn dark.
3. Press any button on the keyfob so the system
learns the ID number. Two beeps sound and the
STAY and AWAY indicators extinguish.
To add or change other radio remote user codes,
repeat this procedure as many times as required.
6. Disarming the System
When you enter the premises after the system is
armed in AWAY Mode, or if you have armed the
system in STAY Mode 1 or STAY Mode 2, you must
disarm the system before entry time expires to
disable detection devices that activate an alarm. Only
your installer can program the entry time.
Deleting User Codes/Radio User
Only the Master Code holder can delete other
system user codes.
If there was an alarm condition prior to disarming
the system, a flashing zone indicator displays
indicating a previous alarm on that zone.
How to Delete a User Code
1. Enter your four-character Master Code, followed
by the [1] and [#] keys (for example,
How to Disarm the System
Enter your user code followed by the [#] key (for
example, [2 5 8 0 #]). Two beeps sound.
[2 5 8 0 1 #]).
Three beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY
indicators flash.
2. Enter the user code number (User Code 1 to 8,
Radio User Code 9 to 16), followed by the [#]
key (for example, [2 #] = User 2, [1 6 #] = User
16). Two beeps sound and the selected user
number displays on the codepad indicators.
3. Press the [*] key to delete the selected user code.
Two beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY
indicators turn dark. To delete other user codes,
repeat this procedure as many times as required.
User Codes
Adding User Codes
Only the Master Code holder can add or change
other system user codes, including the Master Code.
Up to eight user codes can be programmed to
operate the system.
Bosch Security Systems | 5/04 | 920050O.OG.112
CC408 | Operators Guide | 8. Radio Transmitter Operations
EN | 10
Table 9:
Keyfob Audible/Visual Indications
8. Radio Transmitter
Figure 3: RE012/E – 2 Channel Keyfob
One beep
Two beeps
Two-tone beep
3-second strobe
6-second strobe
System disarmed.
System armed in AWAY Mode.
System armed in STAY Mode.
System disarmed.
System armed in AWAY or STAY
9. Alarms
Duress Alarm
A codepad duress alarm is used as a silent hold-up
alarm. This only occurs when the number 9 is added
to the end of any valid user code used to disarm the
system (for example, [2 5 8 0 9 #]). A duress alarm is
only useful if your system reports back to a
monitoring station or pocket pager, because domestic
reporting (such as a mobile phone) cannot decipher
which type of alarm occurred.
1 – Button 1: Arm or disarm in AWAY Mode
2 – Button 2: Arm or disarm STAY Mode
3 – Buttons 1 and 2: Press both buttons at same
time to activate Panic alarm.
Figure 5: CP5 LED Codepad Showing Audible
Alarm Buttons
Figure 4: RE013/E – 4 Channel Keyfob
1 – Button 1: Arm or disarm in AWAY Mode
2 – Button 2: Arm or disarm in STAY Mode
3 – Buttons 1 and 2: Press both buttons at same
time to activate Panic alarm.
Panic Alarm
4 – Buttons 3 and 4: Your security company can
program these buttons for optional operation,
such as operating a garage door.
An audible alarm activates when the [1] and [3] keys
or the [*] and [#] keys are pressed simultaneously.
Contact your installer to disable the ability to activate
the codepad panic alarm or to silence the codepad
panic alarm.
Audible/Visual Indications
When using hand held keyfob transmitters to operate
the system, your security company can program the
keyfobs to sound the horn speaker or operate the
blue strobe light. These indications allow you to
operate the system from outside the premises with
Bosch Security Systems | 5/04 | 920050O.OG.112
CC408 | Operators Guide | 10. Isolating Zones
EN | 11
3. Press the [#] key after all selected zones are
Fire Alarm
The horn speaker emits a distinct fire sound when
both the [4] and [6] keys are pressed simultaneously.
Contact your installer to disable the ability to activate
the codepad fire alarm or to silence the codepad fire
Two beeps sound and the system returns to the
disarmed state.
10.2 Code to Isolate
Only those user codes with the Code to Isolate
priority level can isolate zones. If any user code has
this priority level, the standard isolating method (see
Section 10.1 Standard Isolating) does not function.
Medical Alarm
An audible alarm activates when both the [7] and [9]
keys are pressed simultaneously. Contact your
installer to disable the ability to activate the codepad
medical alarm or to silence codepad medical alarm.
How to Isolate a Zone
1. Press the [*] key followed by your user code and
the [*] key again to enter Isolating Mode (for
example, [* 2 5 8 0 *]). Three beeps sound and
the STAY indicator flashes.
2. Enter the zone number (1 to 8), followed by the
[*] key (for example, [1 *] = Zone 1, [2 *] =
Zone 2).
Tamper Alarm (Access Denied)
The tamper alarm restricts the number of times an
invalid user code can be used in an attempt to
operate the system. When the number of incorrect
code attempts equals the number programmed by
your installer, the system activates an alarm
condition. If reporting back to a security monitoring
station, the system sends an Access Denied Report.
Each zone to isolate has a corresponding zone
indicator that flashes. If you selected an incorrect
zone to isolate, enter the incorrect zone number
again followed by the [*] key.
To shutdown and lockout a codepad for a period of
time (0 to 150 seconds), ask your installer to program
this feature.
Repeat Step 2, if isolating more than one zone,
until all zones to isolate are selected.
3. Press the [#] key after all selected zones are
10. Isolating Zones
Isolating zones allow you to manually disable one or
more zones before arming the system. Once a zone is
isolated, you can access that zone during the armed
state without activating an alarm.
Two beeps sound and the system returns to the
disarmed state.
11. Setting the Date and Time
Programming the date and time is only required
when you need functions such as automatic test
reports, automatic arming, and history events to
operate correctly.
For example, you may need to isolate a zone because
before arming the system a PIR detector might
generate a false alarm, or you need to leave a pet
inside a particular zone while away.
How to Program Date and Time
1. Enter your Master Code followed by the [6] and
[#] keys (for example, [2 5 8 0 6 #]).
Three beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY
indicators flash.
2. Enter the day, month, year, hour, and minute
using the (DD, MM, YY, HH, MM) format (that
is, DD = day of the month, MM = month of the
year, YY = current year, HH = hour of the day,
MM = minute of the day).
Isolating zones is performed by one of two methods.
Method two is optional and only allows those user
codes programmed by your installer access to isolate
10.1 Standard Isolating
Standard Isolating allows all operators to isolate
zones without knowing a valid user code.
How to Isolate a Zone
1. Press the [*] key twice to enter Isolating Mode.
Three beeps sound and the STAY indicator
2. Enter the zone number (1 to 8), followed by the
[*] key (for example, [1 *] = Zone 1, [2 *] =
Zone 2).
When programming the hour of the day,
you must use a 24-hour format.
3. Press the [#] key to exit and return to the
disarmed state.
Each zone to isolate has a corresponding zone
indicator that flashes. If you selected an incorrect
zone to isolate, enter the incorrect zone number
again followed by the [*] key.
Two beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY
indicators go dark. If a long beep sounds, an
error was made when entering the date and time.
Repeat Step 2 if you are isolating more than one
zone, until all zones to isolate are selected.
Bosch Security Systems | 5/04 | 920050O.OG.112
CC408 | Operators Guide | 12. Fault Analysis Mode
EN | 12
Sensor Watch Fail
A sensor watch fault registers because one or more
detection devices failed to notice any movement
during the disarmed state for the time period
programmed by your installer. The fault clears when
the zone in question detects movement and resets.
12. Fault Analysis Mode
If a fault occurs, the FAULT or MAINS indicators
flash and the codepad beeps once every minute.
12.1 AC Fail
While in Fault Analysis Mode, hold down the [5] key
until two beeps sound. The indicator lights that
corresponds to the faulted zone.
If the AC mains supply fails, the MAINS indicator
flashes until the AC mains supply is restored.
Pressing the [#] key once acknowledges the fault and
stops the codepad from beeping once every minute.
Horn Speaker Fail
12.2 System Faults
How to Determine the Type of System Fault
A horn speaker failure fault registers when the
system detects the horn speaker is disconnected. This
fault clears once the horn speaker is reconnected.
Your installer needs to program the system for this
feature to operate.
To determine all system faults other than the AC
mains supply, enter Fault Analysis Mode:
1. Hold down the [5] key until two beeps sound.
The FAULT indicator lights steadily and the
STAY and AWAY indicators flash in unison.
Any zone indicators displayed indicate the type
of fault that occurred. See Table 10 for the list of
system faults that can occur.
Telephone Line Fail
A telephone line failure fault registers when the
system detects the telephone line is disconnected
from the control panel. Your installer needs to
program the system for this feature to operate.
2. To further determine the type of fault condition,
hold down the key that corresponds to the zone
indicator displayed.
3. To exit Fault Analysis Mode and return to the
disarmed state, press the [#] key. The FAULT
indicator remains displayed and the codepad
stops beeping once per minute.
E2 Fault
An E2 failure fault registers when the system detects
an internal checksum error. Contact your installer as
soon as this fault displays.
Fuse Fail
A fuse failure fault occurs when either of the two 1 A
fuses are blown. Contact your installer as soon as this
fault displays.
12.3 Fault Descriptions
Table 10: Fault Condition Indicators
Communication Fail
A communication fail fault registers when the control
panel fails to communicate with the receiving party
(for example, a monitoring company, mobile phone,
pocket pager, and so on). The communication fault
clears once the control panel successfully reports to
the receiving party.
Zone LED
FAULT Condition
Battery Fail
Sensor Watch
Horn Speaker Fail
Telephone Line Fail
E2 Fault
Fuse Fail
Communication Fail
Battery Fail
A battery fail fault registers when the system detects
a low capacity back-up battery. The system
automatically performs a Battery Test every 4 hours
and every time the system is armed.
Date and Time
The date and time fault registers every time the
system powers down. This type of fault does not
cause the FAULT indicator to display on the
codepad unless your installer has programmed the
automatic arming time. See Section 11. Setting the Date
and Time to program the date and time.
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CC408 | Operators Guide | 13. Telco Arm/Disarm Sequence (Call Forward On/Off)
EN | 13
3. Enter the call forward sequence (for example,
[* 6 1][Phone Number][#] to program the Call
Forward - No Answer sequence, or [* 2 1][Phone
Number][#] to program the Call Forward
Immediate sequence).
To program a “*” in the Telco Arm Sequence,
enter [* 1]. To program a “#” in the Telco Arm
Sequence, enter [* 2].
13. Telco Arm/Disarm
Sequence (Call Forward
Use this feature to program the Telco Arm Sequence
and Telco Disarm Sequence (Call Forward On/Off).
4. Press the [#] key when finished.
Two beeps sound, and the STAY and AWAY
indicators go dark.
13.1 Telco Arm Sequence
Use this to program the Call Forward – Immediate
On sequence or Call Forward – No Answer sequence
to automatically operate when you arm the system in
AWAY Mode. This feature is only available if your
telecommunications provider has the call-forward
To disable the Telco Arm Sequence,
enter the call forward sequence as [* 4]
(break) for Step 3.
13.2 Telco Disarm Sequence
This feature automatically disables the call forward
sequence when disarming the system.
The examples given in this feature are
only applicable to Australia.
How to Program the Telco Disarm Sequence
Call Forward – Immediate On
1. Enter your four-character Master Code followed
by the [3] and [#] keys (for example,
[2 5 8 0 3 #]).
You can redirect calls to anywhere in Australia,
including mobile phones, pagers, and answering
services. When Call Forward is turned on, your
telephone does not ring.
Three beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY
indicators flash.
2. Press the [2] and [#] key to select the Telco
Disarm Sequence. Three beeps sound.
3. Enter the call forward disable sequence (for
example, [# 6 1 #] to disable the No Answer
Call Forward sequence, or [# 2 1 #] to disable
the Call Forward Immediate sequence).
To program a “#” in the Telco Disarm
Sequence, enter [* 2].
Call Forward – No Answer
When your telephone is not answered within 20
seconds, this feature redirects all incoming calls to
another number anywhere in Australia, but you can
still make outgoing calls.
Table 11: Telco Arm/Disarm Dialling Digits
4. Press the [#] key when finished.
Two beeps sound, and the STAY and AWAY
indicators go dark.
Number to
Number to
Required Program
To disable the Telco Disarm Sequence,
enter the call forward sequence as [* 4]
(break) for Step 3.
4-sec pause
How to Program the Telco Arm Sequence
1. Enter your four-character Master Code, followed
by the [3] and [#] keys (for example,
[2 5 8 0 3 #]).
Three beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY
indicators flash.
2. Press button [1] and [#] keys to select the Telco
Arm Sequence.
Three beeps sound.
Bosch Security Systems | 5/04 | 920050O.OG.112
CC408 | Operators Guide | 14. Turning Outputs On/Off
EN | 14
14. Turning Outputs On/Off
17. Testing
This feature only applies if your installer set up an
output that can be turned on or off by the codepad.
The output programmed by your installer can
control a pool pump, outside lighting, and so on. Up
to three separate outputs may be programmed.
There are various functions for testing that your
system is operating correctly.
17.1 Horn Speaker Test
Press and hold the [1] key until two beeps sound.
The horn speaker sounds for 2 seconds.
How to Turn an Output On or Off
17.2 Bell Test
Press and hold the [2] key until two beeps sound.
The bell output operates for 2 seconds.
1. Enter your Master Code followed by the [5] and
[#] keys (for example, [2 5 8 0 5 #]).
Three beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY
indicators flash.
2. Enter the output number (1 to 3) that you wish to
turn on or off.
17.3 Strobe Test
1. Press and hold the [3] key until three beeps
The strobe flashes.
2. Press and hold the [3] key until two beeps sound.
The strobe stops flashing.
3. Press the [#] key to turn the output on, or press
the [*] key to turn the output off.
Three beeps sound if the output is turned on,
and two beeps sound if the output is turned off.
Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 if you require more
than one output to be turned on or off.
4. Press the [#] key to exit this function.
Two beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY
indicators go dark.
17.4 Walk Test Mode
Use Walk Test Mode to test detection devices for
proper operation. Every time you test a zone, the
codepad sounds one long beep and the horn speaker
sounds one short beep to indicate the zone was
activated when testing.
15. Reset Latching Outputs
1. Enter your four-character Master Code, followed
by the [7] and [#] keys (for example,
This feature only applies if your installer
programmed an output to latch (remain on) until you
acknowledge the event that occurred.
[2 5 8 0 7 #]).
Three beeps sound, and the STAY and AWAY
indicators flash. The codepad beeps once every
second while the system is in Walk Test Mode.
2. Activate all zones that require testing.
The codepad sounds one long beep and the horn
speaker sounds one short beep every time a zone
is faulted (unsealed) and restored.
How To Reset Latching Outputs
Hold down the [7] key until two beeps sound. The
output resets.
16. Codepad ID/Buzzer Tone
Hold down the [8] key continuously to change the
tone of the codepad buzzer. There are 50 different
tones, from 1500 Hz to 5000 Hz. If multiple
codepads are installed, each codepad can sound a
different tone.
3. When you finish testing all required zones, press
the [#] key to exit this mode.
Two beeps sound, and the STAY and AWAY
indicators turn off. The system returns to the
disarmed state.
17.5 Test Report
This feature only applies if your system reports by
telephone. Press and hold the [9] key until two beeps
sound. The system sends a Test Report without
sounding the sirens.
If the system is partitioned, the keypad first displays
the area to which the keypad is assigned:
xꢀ Zone 1: Area 1 codepad
xꢀ Zone 2: Area 2 codepad
xꢀ Zone 7: master partitioned codepad
Bosch Security Systems | 5/04 | 920050O.OG.112
CC408 | Operators Guide | 18. Event Memory Recall
EN | 15
18. Event Memory Recall
20. Remote Arming By
Use this feature to arm your system from any remote
location using a telephone. For security reasons, the
system cannot be disarmed using this method. This
feature requires a touch-tone telephone. Your
installer must program this feature to operate.
Use this function to replay the last 40 events that
occurred to the system. The event memory history
replays all alarms and arming/disarming of the
system in AWAY Mode, STAY Mode 1, and STAY
Mode 2.
The system cannot differentiate between
arming the system in STAY Mode 1 or
STAY Mode 2.
How to Remotely Arm your System Using the
1. Call the telephone number connected to your
control panel.
2. When the control panel answers the incoming
call, a short jingle is heard. To arm the system,
press the [*] key on the touch-tone telephone for
1 to 3 seconds.
How to Enter Event Memory
Enter your four-character Master Code followed by
the [8] and [#] keys (for example, [2 5 8 0 8 #]).
Three beeps sound. The last 40 events display one at
a time by the codepad indicators, starting from the
most recent event. A beep sounds as each event
If you hear modem tones when the control panel
answers the incoming call, the system was
programmed for remote programming functions
by your installer. Wait for a pause between the
tones before pressing the [*] key.
19. Day Alarm
Day alarm allows a combination of zones to be
monitored during the disarmed state by beeping the
codepad buzzer. Only your installer can program
zones 1 to 4 to operate for day alarm.
After releasing the [*] key on the touch-tone
telephone, two beeps sound indicating that the
system was armed in AWAY Mode.
3. Hang up the telephone and the system remains
A day alarm can be set up at the front door of a shop
with a pressure mat or electronic beam that
customers activate as they enter and exit the shop. As
the customers walk onto the pressure mat or break
the electronic beam, the codepad buzzer beeps.
If your installer programs answering
machine bypass, you must call the control
panel twice to make a connection with the
system. For example, call the telephone
number that your control panel is
How to Turn Day Alarm On
connected to, let the call ring no more
than four rings, then hang up the
telephone. Wait a minimum of 8 seconds
before you call the control panel again.
Hold down the [4] key until three beeps sound.
Day alarm turns on. All zones programmed for day
alarm operation cause the codepad buzzer to beep
during the disarmed state when activated.
How to Turn Day Alarm Off
Hold down the [4] key until two beeps sound.
Day alarm turns off.
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CC408 | Operators Guide | 21. Domestic Dialling
EN | 16
How to Program Telephone Numbers
1. Enter your four-character Master Code, followed
by the [2] and [#] keys (for example,
[2 5 8 0 2 #]).
21. Domestic Dialling
Domestic dialling is used to call your mobile phone
or a relative/friend in the event your control panel
activates an alarm. Up to three different telephone
numbers can be programmed for the control panel to
call when an alarm occurs. Only your installer can
set the system to report in the domestic format,
however, the Master Code holder can change the
domestic telephone numbers at any time.
Three beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY
indicators flash.
If there are telephone numbers already
programmed, they are displayed one digit at a
time by the codepad indicators.
If there are no telephone numbers programmed,
a further two beeps sound after entering this
mode. These two beeps are normally heard after
the last digit of the last telephone number
21.1 Acknowledging Domestic Calls
When an alarm condition occurs, the system calls the
first telephone number that was programmed. When
you answer an incoming call, you hear the system
sound a repeating siren tone followed by a pause,
continually for 2 minutes (for example, siren tone,
pause, siren tone, and pause).
2. Enter all digits for the first telephone number (for
example, [9 6 7 2 1 7 1 7]).
As each digit is entered, the corresponding
codepad indicators display.
3. If there is more than one telephone number to
be programmed, press [* 4]. This inserts a break
between the first telephone number and the
second telephone number. If there is only one
telephone number to program, press the [#] key
to exit this function.
4. Enter all the digits of the second telephone
number (for example, [9 6 7 2 1 0 5 5]).
As each digit is entered, the corresponding
codepad indicators display.
5. After the last digit of the second telephone
number is programmed, press the [#] key to exit
this function unless a third telephone number is
required. If there is a third telephone number to
program, press the [* 4] button to insert a break
between the second telephone number and the
third telephone number.
If you do not acknowledge the call from the control
panel during a pause between siren tones, the control
panel hangs up after 2 minutes expire, and calls the
next telephone number.
Pressing the [*] key for 1 to 3 seconds during the
pause acknowledges the call and no further calls are
made for that event. If the call is successfully
acknowledged, a tone of decreasing pitch is heard.
Table 12: Domestic Dialling Telephone Digits
to Program
Required to Program Required
21.3 Disable Domestic Dialling
To cancel domestic dialling (for example, you are
moving and do not want the system to continue
calling your mobile phone), enter the following
4-sec. pause
1. Enter your four-character Master Code, followed
by the [2] and [#] keys (for example,
[2 5 8 0 2 #]).
Two beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY
indicators flash.
2. Press the [*] button followed by the [4] and [#]
keys (for example, [* 4 #]).
21.2 Programming Domestic Telephone
If your system is configured for domestic dialling,
this function allows any Master Code holder to
program telephone numbers the control panel calls
in the event of an alarm.
The STAY and AWAY indicators go dark.
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CC408 | Operators Guide | 22. Partitioning
EN | 17
Mains Indicator
This indicator displays the status of the AC mains
supply. The indicator lights steadily when the AC is
normal and flashes when there is an AC supply
22. Partitioning
You can partition or split the Solution 880 Control
Panel into two individual areas. You can operate
both areas from one Master Partitioned codepad or
from separate area addressable codepads.
Fault Indicator
This indicator displays the status of the system’s fault
register. If the FAULT indicator flashes when the
system detects a fault that has not yet been
acknowledged. If the indicator lights steadily, the fault
has been acknowledged.
22.1 Master Partitioned Codepad
Figure 6: Master Partitioned Codepad
Partial Indicator
This indicator shows whether an area is armed in
STAY Mode 1. If the PARTIAL indicator is lit, the
area is armed in STAY Mode 1. If the indicator is
not lit, no areas are armed in STAY Mode 1. When
isolating zones, the PARTIAL indicator flashes to
indicate that you are in the isolate mode. The
PARTIAL indicator also flashes in conjunction with
the AUX indicator to indicate successful entry into
any programming mode (for example, when using
Master Code functions).
22.2 Operating From A Master
Partitioned Codepad
If you have a partitioned system with a Master
Partitioned codepad installed, operating procedures
described throughout this guide are the same with
one exception. All operations are relative to the area
whose AREA DISPLAY indicator is illuminated at
the time.
The indicators on a Master Partitioned codepad are
configured into four groups. The following
paragraphs describe the indicators.
Zone Indicators
The zone indicators (1 to 8) display the status of each
zone. These zones belong to the area whose AREA
DISPLAY indicator is lit. If a ZONE indicator is lit,
that zone is unsealed. If a ZONE indicator is not lit,
that zone is sealed.
When the AREA DISPLAY indicator number 2 is lit,
all operations performed affect only Area 2. To
perform operations in another area, you must move
the AREA DISPLAY illuminator to the desired area.
Area On/Off Indicators
The group of four AREA ON/OFF DISPLAY
indicators show the status of each area. If an
indicator is lit, that area is armed. If the indicator is
not lit, that area is disarmed.
To Move From One Area To The Next
Press the AWAY button.
The area display indicator moves to the next area.
Repeat until the desired indicator is lit.
Area Display Indicators
A group of four AREA DISPLAY indicators
determine the area to which the displayed zones
22.3 Operating From Area Addressable
Status Indicators
If you have a partitioned system with Area Addressable
codepads, the operating procedures described throughout
this guide are the same. Refer to 16. Codepad ID/Buzzer
Tone Change on page 14 to determine the area to which a
particular codepad belongs.
This group of four indicators shows the following:
AUX Indicator
The AUX indicator displays when the system is using
the telephone line to communicate to the receiving
The AUX indicator flashes in conjunction with the
PARTIAL indicator to show successful entry into any
programming mode. For example, this occurs when
you are using Master Code functions.
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CC408 | Operators Guide | 23. Basic Pager Reporting
EN | 18
System Status
23. Basic Pager Reporting
The system status information is divided into the four
digits identified in Table 14.
This feature only applies if your system reports to a
pocket pager. Basic pager reporting requires some
interpretation of the numbers that appear on the
display. It is possible to differentiate between 1000
different systems when a number of control panels
report to the one pocket pager.
Table 14: System Status
System Status Description
First digit
Subscriber ID Number
Indicates whether the system is armed
or disarmed:
8 = Disarmed
9 = Armed
Indicates which codepad alarm was
triggered by the operator:
0 = No Codepad Alarm
1 = Codepad Panic or Duress Alarm
2 = Codepad Fire Alarm
This is the identification number of the control panel
and can only be programmed by your installer.
Zone Status
Second digit
The zone status display shows you the status of each
zone (1 to 8). Table 13 describes what each number
means when displayed on the zone status display.
Table 13: Zone Status Display Descriptions
3 = Codepad Medical Alarm
Third digit
Indicates when the AC mains supply
0 = AC Supply is normal
1 = AC Supply failed
Zone Normal
Indicates the corresponding zone is in the
sealed state.
Fourth digit
Indicates when a system fault occurs
at the control panel:
0 = System Normal – There are no
1 = System Fault – There is a fault
registered by the control panel.
Indicates the corresponding zone is
unsealed and in alarm condition.
Zone Bypassed
Indicates a system operator manually
isolated the corresponding zone. See
Section 10. Isolating Zones for
information on how to manually isolate a
zone(s) prior to arming the system.
Figure 7 shows the transmission came from the
control panel with an ID number of 678, and zone 2
is in alarm. Figure 7 also displays zone 3 is manually
isolated and the system is armed.
Zone Trouble
Indicates a zone was left unsealed after
the end of exit time.
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CC408 | Operators Guide | 23. Basic Pager Reporting
EN | 19
Figure 7: Basic Pager Display
3 4 5 6 7 8
678 01200000 9000
1 – Subscriber ID number
2 – Zone status
3 – System status
4 – 0: Zone Normal
1: Alarm
2: Zone Bypassed
3: Zone Trouble
5 – 8: Disarmed
9: Armed
6 – 0: Normal
1: Panic/Duress
2: Fire Alarm
3: Medical Alar
7 – 0: AC Normal
1: AC Failure
8 – 0: System Normal
1: System Fault
Bosch Security Systems | 5/04 | 920050O.OG.112
CC408 | Operators Guide | 24. Glossary of Terms
EN | 20
24. Glossary of Terms
Table 15: Glossary of Terms
24-Hour Zones
A monitored input programmed to trigger an alarm condition when violated when
the system is armed or disarmed 24 hours a day.
Alarm Condition
Your alarm system is armed and one of the detection devices is violated. A 24-hour
zone (such as a smoke detector) can activate an alarm condition when your system
arms or disarms.
Answering Machine
Answering machine bypass is incorporated. You can connect to the system for
remote arming operations when there is an answering machine or facsimile machine
on the same telephone line.
The system is in a ready state to accept alarms.
Automatic Arming
The system automatically arms at the same time every day in AWAY Mode or STAY
Mode 1.
Automatic Disarming
The system automatically disarms at the same time every day.
Used to arm your system when you leave your premises.
Arm/disarm the system and carry out other functions such as adding and deleting
system user codes.
Day Alarm
Monitor a combination of zones while the system is disarmed.
Devices connected to your alarm system used to detect intrusion and cause an
alarm condition. Some forms of detection devices include Passive Infrared (PIR),
smoke detectors, photoelectric beams, reed switches, and vibration sensors.
A state that does not accept alarms except on zones programmed for 24-hour
Dynamic Battery
Used to monitor and test the condition of your back-up battery.
Entry Time/
Entry Delay
The time allowed by a zone for disarming the system after entering your premises.
External Equipment
Forced Arming
Any device connected to your system such as detectors, codepads, and sirens.
A situation where your alarm system can be armed when one or more zones are
Handover Delay
The system is armed and a zone programmed for delay was violated. The delay zone
hands over the remaining delay time to a zone programmed as handover. The
handover zone does not activate an alarm until the remaining delay time expires. A
handover zone acts as an instant zone if violated before the delay zone.
Hand Held Remote
Used to remotely operate your system by hand held transmitters.
Manually disable (isolate) one or more zones before arming the system.
Master Code
A numeric code used to arm and disarm the system and to allow access to
functions such as adding and deleting user codes.
Monitoring Station
A secure location where a digital receiver monitors numerous alarm systems and
deciphers their Alarm Transmission Reports. The operator can then advise the
appropriate authorities to take immediate action.
Panic Alarm
Type of alarm that indicates to the monitoring station there is an emergency
situation at your premises.
Refers to zone status. If a zone is sealed, the detection device is not violated and
the zone indicator does not display on the codepad.
Sensor Watch
The control panel can recognise that detection devices may have stopped working
or that the view to a PIR detector is blocked (unable to detect any movement over
the duration of the time programmed by your installer).
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CC408 | Operators Guide | 24. Glossary of Terms
EN | 21
Table 15: continued
Silent Alarm
Your installer may program zones for silent operation. When the zone programmed
for silent operation is violated during the armed period, your alarm system
communicates with the monitoring station without sounding the sirens.
STAY Mode 1
A condition that automatically isolates zones when your system is armed in STAY
Mode 1. Only your installer can program zones to be isolated automatically in STAY
Mode 1.
STAY Mode 2
A condition that automatically isolates zones when your system is armed in STAY
Mode 2. Only the Master Code holder can program zones to be isolated
automatically in STAY Mode 2.
Telco Arm Sequence
Telco arming is a feature that automatically calls the telephone exchange and diverts
your telephone number to another telephone when the system is armed in AWAY
Mode. (In Australia, this feature is called “Call Forward”.)
Telco Disarm
Telco disarming automatically calls the telephone exchange and does not forward
your telephone number.
User Code
Refers to zone status. A zone is unsealed when a zone is violated. The
corresponding zone indicator displays on the codepad.
The personal identification number that the operator uses to arm and disarm the
A monitored input used to trigger an alarm condition when violated.
Bosch Security Systems | 5/04 | 920050O.OG.112
CC408 | Operators Guide | 25. Installation Notes
EN | 22
25. Installation Notes
Company Name
Technician’s Name
Technician’s Telephone Number
Installation Date
Warranty Expires
Panel Software Version
Service Notes
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CC408 | Operators Guide | 25. Installation Notes
EN | 23
Zone Description
Describe each zone and mark the zones that are programmed to be automatically isolated in STAY Mode 1
or are programmed for day alarm operation.
Isolated In
STAY Mode 1
Day Alarm
Zone 1
Zone 2
Zone 3
Zone 4
Zone 5
Zone 6
Zone 7
Zone 8
User Code Names
Default = 2580
User Code 1
User Code 2
User Code 3
User Code 4
User Code 5
User Code 6
User Code 7
User Code 8
User Code 9
User Code 10
User Code 11
User Code 12
User Code 13
User Code 14
User Code 15
User Code 16
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CC408 | Operators Guide | 25. Installation Notes
EN | 24
Entry/Exit Times
Entry Timer 1
Exit Time
Entry Timer 2
Entry Guard Time
Arming Options
Single Button Arming
Forced Arming
Single Button Disarming
Remote Arming By Telephone
Automatic Arming (AWAY Mode)
Automatic Arming (STAY Mode)
Automatic Arming Time
Automatic Disarming Time
Output Descriptions
Output 1
Output 3
Output 4
Output 2
Isolating Method
Standard Isolating
Code To Isolate
Communication Options
Back To Base Reporting
Domestic Reporting
Domestic Reporting – Number Of Beeps
Other System Information
Siren Run Time
Sensor Watch Time
Increments in Days
Can Your System Be Serviced By Another Technician
If Yes, Installer’s Code
Bosch Security Systems | 5/04 | 920050O.OG.112
CC408 | Operators Guide | Index
EN | 25
24-Hour Zones 20
Date and Time 12
Day Alarm 15
Deleting Radio User Codes
AC Mains Fail 12
Adding Radio User Codes
Adding User Codes
Alarm Condition
Duress .................................................................... 10
Fire ......................................................................... 11
Medical .................................................................. 11
Panic....................................................................... 10
Tamper (Access Denied)...................................... 11
Answering Machine Bypass
Area Display Indicators 17
Area On/Off Indicators 17
Armed 20
Deleting User Codes
Domestic Dialling
Acknowledging Domestic Calls...........................16
Programming Domestic Telephone Numbers ...16
Duress Alarm 10
E2 Fault
Entry Delay/Entry Time20
Entry Guard Timer
Event Memory Recall 15
AWAY Mode.......................................................... 8
STAY Mode 1......................................................... 8
STAY Mode 2......................................................... 8
Telephone Arming ............................................... 15
Audible Indications
Automatic Arming
Automatic Disarming
AUX Indicator 17
AWAY Indicator
External Equipment
Fault Analysis 12
Fault Description
AC Mains Fail .......................................................12
Battery Fail.............................................................12
Communication Fail .............................................12
Date and Time.......................................................12
E2 Fault..................................................................12
Fuse Fail .................................................................12
Horn Speaker Fail.................................................12
Sensor Watch Fail .................................................12
Telephone Line Fail..............................................12
AWAY Mode 8, 20
Battery Fail
Battery Testing 20
Bell Test
Fault Descriptions
Communciation Fail .............................................12
System Fault...........................................................12
Duress Alarm ........................................................ 10
Fire Alarm ............................................................. 11
Medical Alarm ...................................................... 11
Panic Alarm........................................................... 10
Tamper Alarm....................................................... 11
Codepad Indicators
FAULT Indicator
7, 17
Fire Alarm
Forced Arming 8, 20
Fuse Fail 12
Audible Indications ................................................ 7
AWAY Indicator .................................................... 6
FAULT Indicator.................................................... 7
MAINS Indicator.................................................... 6
Off Indicator............................................................ 7
On Indicator............................................................ 7
STAY Indicator....................................................... 6
System Disarmed.................................................... 6
Zone Indicators....................................................... 6
Hand Held Remote Control
Handover Delay
Horn Speaker Fail
Horn Speaker Test
Isolating Zones 11
Code to Isolate ......................................................11
Standard Isolating .................................................11
Communciation Fail
Communication Fail
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CC408 | Operators Guide | Index
EN | 26
STAY Mode 1 8, 21
Entry Guard Timer.................................................8
STAY Mode 2 8, 21
MAINS Indicator
Master Code 20
6, 17
Master Partitioned Codepad Indicators 17
Medical Alarm 11
Entry Guard Timer.................................................8
Programming Zones................................................9
Monitoring Station
Strobe Indications
Strobe Test
System Disarmed
Off Indicator
On Indicator
Operating From A Master Partitioned Codepad
Tamper Alarm 11
Telco Arm Sequence
Telco Disarm Sequence 21
Telephone Line Fail 12
13, 21
Operating From Area Addressable Codepads
Test Report
Pager Reporting18
Bell Test..................................................................14
Horn Speaker Test................................................14
Strobe Test.............................................................14
Test Report ............................................................14
Walk Test...............................................................14
Panic Alarm
PARTIAL Indicator
Partitioning 17
10, 20
Radio User Codes
Adding ..................................................................... 9
Deleting.................................................................... 9
Remote Arming 15
User Codes
Remote Control20
Adding Radio Users................................................9
Sealed 20
Sensor Watch 20
Sensor Watch Fail
Walk Test
Silent Alarm
Speaker Beeps 10
Status Indicators17
STAY Indicator 6
Zone Indicators 6, 17
Zones 21
Bosch Security Systems | 5/04 | 920050O.OG.112
CC408 | Operators Guide | Notes
EN | 27
Bosch Security Systems | 5/04 | 920050O.OG.112
Bosch Security Systems
25 Huntingwood Drive
Huntingwood NSW 2148
Phone: +612 9672 1777
Facsimile: +612 9672 1717
© 2003 Bosch Security Systems
Issue 112
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